Surviving Ceres

This is a technical demo for my next commercial game "Surviving Ceres" This step of development includes the vast majority of mechanics and systems for the game. The next step will be the first visual pass and then a steam page / demo.
In SC you start as a survival game on the dwarf planet Ceres featuring simulation type machines and mechanics. As you progress and begin to build your base you will gain access to everything you need to survive, as well as sending rockets home with exports, and bringing back supplies / passengers.
At this point the game shifts into a colony management simulation where you will need qualified workers on advanced machines in order to progress and Terra form the planet. You can learn more on the page.

Farm To Table
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: August / 22 / 2023
Game Type: Prototype
Game Page: Page

Super early prototype of a game idea that was stuck in my head. I have always wanted to try Stardew valley type game play as a simulation, and then I thought why not combine in simulation style over cooked game play? Maybe the idea is terrible, but that is what a prototype is for.
This project may go nowhere, and in fact making this gave me an idea for a different game using some mechanic in this prototype. No one knows the future, check it out and let me know what you think.

Epic Quests
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: August / 20 / 2019
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page
Project Files: My One Drive

This was a submission to the GMTK Jam 2023
For this Game Jam I decided to just make everything in engine using block out visuals, editor geometry tools, and starter materials. This way I could make the files available to any other developers. Since the GMTK channel is all about helping devs. I thought I would keep to the spirit of there channel, and try to add to that in some way.
It is time to switch roles and play as the quest giving NPC instead of the adventurer for once.
Inspired by a "Viva La Dirt League" skit you will use tools to help you generate amazing and exciting quests for adventurers fraught with backstory and lore. Get in there and hand out some quests.

Geometry Wars
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: September / 02 / 2022
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page
Project Files: My Google Drive

This was a submission to the 2022 Epic MegaJam
For this Game Jam I decided to just make everything in engine using block out visuals, editor geometry tools, and starter materials. This way I could make the files available to any other developers. I learned a lot from other developers and there videos / tutorials. So, this was a way to give something back.
Geometry wars is a 2 sided "Turret Defense" where you must balance both sides of the board as they share turret slots.
Click buy to place turrets, Press TAB to flip the board, use your mouse to click on turrets to upgrade them and coins to collect the gold. Survive 10 waves to win the game.

District 43
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: November / 20 / 2022
Game Type: Prototype
Game Page: Page

This is an extremely early prototype build meant to gather very early player feedback around my next big game idea. As a solo developer I need your input before I spend years working on a bad idea.
This build has no real VFX, SFX, Animations, or textures. There are just a few place holder elements used to create the complex game systems in order to get player feedback on the core idea and core game loop.
This build will only take 5 - 15 minutes to play through, and I would love to hear your thoughts. What is good, what is bad, what would you change, what would you add?
You can read a lot more about this game idea on the page.

Dice Drop
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: July / 17 / 2022
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page

This game was a submission to the GMTK Game Jam 2022
Dice drop is a puzzle game where you try to get the dice to the goal by using place able objects.
How To Play
-Left click to place objects
-Mouse wheel up and down to rotate straight pieces
-Press space to drop dice
-Press ESC or TAB for menu

BigFry's Colour Cannon
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: May / 27 / 2022
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page

This was an entry in BigFry's second Game Jam
How To Play
You set the horizontal angle, vertical angle, and power for a cannon to take aim at targets with procedural generated points. You must hit black targets with white balls, and white targets with black balls, or you will lose points. Try to get as many points as you can.
I had a lot of fun with this one, especially with the audio. There are several BigFry samples used from his videos inside the game that will make any fan of his laugh.

Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: September / 09 / 2021
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page

This game was an entry in BigFry's First Game Jam
The main goal of the game is to make asset flips and churn out games to make money. If you can acquire $10,000 you can buy a better life.
Essentially you need to buy assets from the asset store on your PC. Then us scumengine to create asset flips. Then use steamworks to create EA pages for your games and upload builds. Sales / costs come in at midnight each day. The worse the game the more dev rep you lose, the lower your rep the less sales you receive for your asset flips. Buy more assets and use those to upgrade your games to appear like you dont suck to increase Dev Rep to get more future sales. Review your game sales via the steam page on PC.

Game Dev Masters (Tech Demo)
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: September / 12 / 2020
Game Type: Technical Demo
Game Page: Page

So, this is the old tech demo for "Game Dev Masters". My first big commercial game release.
There is honestly no real reason for anyone to play this. Outside of wanting to see GDM in it's earliest form.
This is far from the first build, but this is the game as it was left before we moved to steam early access. If you want a look at the old GDM feel free.
However, if you want to try GDM I highly recommend you just try the demo version of the game on STEAM for free.

Thawed Destrcution
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: June / 10 / 2020
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page

This game was a submission to the Unreal Spring Jam 2020
Ever wonder why only earth has life out of all the planets we know of?
You are about to learn the answer as the world thaws and an old enemy is revealed.
Manage a base by adding rooms / assigning workers working towards your ultimate goal of reaching 100 workers to enable you to launch the dooms day device.
This was a fun game idea inspired by fallout shelter.

RLG Jam Sub
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: October / 27 / 2020
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page

This was an entry in the Ryan Laley Games Jam 2020
In True Game Jam fashion I accomplished about 1 / 100th of my total vision after I heard the theme. Which was "Create an Escape Room". So I did that just and I present to you my 3 day game of an escape room.
Controls are listed on main screen and theirs a built in cheater tip if you get stuck. I hope you enjoy the game and I hope everyone who participated had as much fun jamming as I did, if only I could learn to sleep less and get more done.
This was a fun jam about making an escape room. It wasn't a huge jam but I learned a lot from Ryan Laley's tutorials and wanted to participate.
Sort Or Die
Platform: Windows 64 bit
Release Date: August / 14 / 2019
Game Type: Game Jam Entry
Game Page: Page

This game was an entry in the Summer #Ue4jam
In this management simulation, you will need to sort incoming minerals into their correct forges. You start working by hand with one machine line and sort minerals into there correct ratio's for bricks. Then you deposit those bricks to increase your day's income.
As you progress you will unlock additional machinery to scan and auto collect minerals from a line, allowing you to expand into additional lines. You will need to repair machines and drink unreal energy drink to keep your stamina up.
This game has a special meaning for me as it is the first game jam I completed. I had participated in a few before, but this was the first time I turned everything I had learned in previous jams into finishing this game.